Pdfsam features
Pdfsam features

pdfsam features pdfsam features

  • Rotate the merged PDF pages accordingly to match pre-existing pages.
  • You can also apply alternate mixing whereby two or more PDFs are merged taking pages alternative in reverse or natural order.
  • Regarding the table of contents, you get the option to not generate one at all, generate from filenames, or document titles.
  • In regards to bookmarks, you can opt to retain, discard, create entries for each merged PDF file, or retain them as one entry for each merged document.
  • For interactive forms, you can choose to merge fields, renaming existing fields during merge, flatten, or discard fields entirely.
  • Normalizing the page sizes to match the first page.
  • Automatically adding a blank page in the instance of an odd number of pages.
  • pdfsam features

    Adding a footer that indicates the source PDF file for each page.To be specific, you can merge multiple PDF documents or their subsections depending on the goal at hand. PDFsam provides all the necessary features that are geared towards a fulfilling process. By doing this, you will enjoy the convenience of having all content in a single, easy-to-manage PDF file. In the instance you have multiple PDFs that are related or have similar content, joining or concatenating them is highly advised. Without further ado, let us find out exactly what features to expect. PDFsam boasts some powerful and much-coveted features that you will not find in most of the PDF converter software.

    Pdfsam features